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Get Moving - Motivation for Living

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Product ID
Christian Focus
Paul White

If you are struggling with your relationship with God  - getting back to a day-today walk with God that focuses on your relationship with God through Jesus is the most important thing.

No one ever said the Christian life was going to be easy, it can be hard going at times! The bible describes the Christian Life as a race, which is something that can be won. It's something we all need motivation for especially in this non-stop world, when we get tired and exhausted.

By writing this book, the author seeks to motivate us to put the effort into the Christian life. He encourages us to read the Bible and draw closer to God in order to be motivated towards a life that is marked by responsibility, honesty and purity. The difficulties that we all face in this world can be hard to tackle. But having a relationship with God through His word does make a world of difference.

Subjects Include:

  • Re-assurance
  • Prayer
  • Money
  • Sex
  • Critism

About Paul White:

Paul, a doctor, and native of Australia became a missionary in Africa,  where he relayed Bible truths wrapped in fables, creating stories that last a lifetime. His stories and story telling methods were discovered and received world-wide acclaim when he returned to Australia.

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