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Mighty Fortress

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Product ID
Christian Focus
T M Moore

God writes a lyric through our life. Through the means of praise and worship we can express our spiritual yearnings in ways that we would find difficult in everyday words or conversation.

Yet lyrics to hymns and songs become dry on our tongues. What once seemed to express our joy with incandescence, now glows feebly - a token remembrance of our heart's desire. We move on to new songs, only for the pattern to repeat itself.

The problem is not the song, the problem is OUR song.

Using the verses from Luther's great hymn 'A Mighty Fortress is our God', written from his meditations on psalm 46, T M Moore helps us recapture our song, written by God's hand in our life. We can rekindle the flames of our spiritual lives and be set upon a firmer footing to face the future - bloodied, unbowed, undismayed.

At trying times Luther would turn to his closest friend and say 'Come Philip, let us sing the 46th.' May your life be turned by singing in harmony with one who loves you closer than a brother.

About T. M. Moore:


T. M. Moore is a Fellow with the Wilberforce Forum and Pastor of Teaching Ministries at Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. His essays, reviews, articles and poetry have appeared in a wide range of journals, and he is the author of more than ten books.

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