In the sixth book in the Young Joseph Series, by popular childrens author Fiona Veitch Smith we continue hearing the story of Joseph. Pharaoh released Joseph from prison, and he has been promoted tp the second most important man in the land. Pharaoh wants to make sure that no-one goes hungry when the famine comes. Joseph has to make sure everyone has enough to eat, including his brothers, who come from faraway, as their land is also experiencing drought and famine. What will happen when Joseph sees his brothers again? Will he be angry with them for how he treated them? Includes hilarious illustrations by Andy Catling featuring scene-stealing cows!
Others in the Young Joseph Series:
Joseph and the Rainbow Robe
Joseph and the Jealous Brothers
Joseph and the Lying Lady
Joseph and the Forgetful Servant
Joseph and the Dreaming Pharaoh
Joseph and the Hidden Cup