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Overcoming Betrayal

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Ron DePriest

"The gun was loaded and my mind was set.

Betrayal. It hurts. It devastates. It penetrates your being.

Author Ron DePriest knows what it feels like to be betrayed by people he trusted. He also knows how to weed through the deception, bitterness, and anger to become strong and victorious

You, too, can overcome betrayal by:


  • Killing the Root


  • Confronting the Enemy


  • Establishing Your Identity


  • Accepting the Lesson


Ron learned the hard way how to overcome betrayal--through his experiences you can skip the hard part and move directly into victory lane.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them who love God..."(Romans 8:28).

About Ron DePriest:


Ron DePriest, founder and president of World Impact Network, has a masters in Psychology and a Ph.D. in Theology. He has been in the ministry for over 30 years, during which he has appeared on many Christian television and radio programs including PTL and the 700 Club. "Ron is both a natural and spiritual father having established twelve churches, and who gives counsel, insight, impartation, and oversight to many churches in the Body of Christ." Ron and his wife, Minnie, minister worldwide, sharing their lives to help equip the body through relationships. Their lives are a testimony of God's love, mercy, and grace.

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