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Power Of Money: How to Avoid a Devil's Snare

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Kenneth C. Ulmer

Best-selling author, university professor, and beloved pastor of a mega-church in Los Angeles, Kenneth Ulmer exposes the devil's snare so you can stop the constant tug-of-war struggle between worshiping God and worrying about finances. "We worry, worry, worry (about money), and yet we love Jesus. There is no need to worry."

The Power of Money: How to Avoid a Devil's Snare explains what lurks behind most Christians' misunderstanding of money, riches, finances, and material possessions. Also revealed is the mysterious, insidious power that influences your desires for money and possessions.

No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (Matthew 6:24 NKJV).

Expertly and practically examined is the stronghold of "mammon" operating in the lives of many Christians, exposing its many distorted faces and lures.

There is hope:


  • You can jump out of the same old "money rut" of feeling like you're worth more than you're being paid or that you can never quite get ahead financially.


  • You can understand the unseen force holding you back financially-no matter how much money you earn or try to save.


  • You can approach spending, earning, and saving in an entirely new way.


God can break away the devil's snare from you-today!


About Kenneth C Ulmer:


Kenneth C. Ulmer, D.Min., Ph.D. is President of The King's College and Seminary, Senior Pastor of Faithful Central Bible Church (both of which are based in Los Angeles), and Presiding Bishop of Macedonia International Bible Fellowship (based in Johannesburg, South Africa). He is a native of E. St. Louis, Illinois. Dr. Ulmer and his wife, Togetta, residents of Los Angeles, California, have been married for over 30 years and have two daughters, one son and five grandchildren.

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