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God Wants You to Know Him

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Ann Goodfellow

You may know about God, but do you know Him as your personal God and Savior? You may think that God is too high and holy to be bothered about you--wrong! God cares deeply about you and all of His creation. He calls you to meet Him--God craves an intimate relationship with you. God Wants You to Know Him reveals:

  • God's nature & character.


  • God's grace & love.


  • God's plans & promises.


  • God's truth & peace.


  • God's holiness & sufficiency.


"Do you not know Me as the great I AM? I revealed Myself to Moses, and I long to reveal Myself to you today. I am God--loving, kind, and true--desiring that all people know Me in the fullness of who I AM. I love you, care for you, watch over you, guide you, and will help you fulfill My perfect plan and purpose for your life. Come and learn of Me, and I will reveal the truth of who I AM."

God wants to provide for your every need--a life full of abundance in every way!

About Ann Goodfellow:

Ann Goodfellow has been a member of the Methodist Church in Germiston, South Africa, for more than 50 years, where she is involved in many aspects of prayer including: intercession, healing, teaching, and retreat weekends. She has also written a weekly prayer letter for over 20 years. Ann and her dear husband, Ted, who very recently went to be with the Lord, have two grown children.

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