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Facing Lions

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Product ID
Christian Focus
J. R. Williamson & R.M. Freedman
Risk Takers

A lion might not look very scary when you see them in cages at the zoo, but if one was prowling around at night then you'd want to quickly run away from it. During the early days of the church, lions were sometimes used to attack Christians in the arena for the amusement of Roman citizens. Even though being thrown to the lions doesn't happen today, there is another lion we all must to be aware of.

The Bible tells us that the devil, who is the enemy of all Christians, is like a roaring lion, walking around, looking for someone to devour. He wants to tear the relationship Christians have with God apart whenever he can. God's people need God's strength to stand up to this opposition

In this book read some stories of men and women in the history of the early church who trusted God. Despite persecution they stood up for the truth of Christ.

In this volume we learn about:

  • Apostle John
  • Polycarp
  • Blandina
  • Constantine
  • Arius
  • Athanasius
  • Anthony

Extra Features Include:

  • Maps
  • Devtional Thoughts,
  • Fact Files
  • and a Quiz

About the Authors:

J. R. Williamson lives in Zambia with his wife Megan and their six children. James likes watching movies and exploring Gods creation with his kids.

Rebekah Freedman comes from Louisville, Kentucky. She enjoys both reading and writing historical fiction..


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