We've been making some changes to the look and feel of our site. These changes will make ordering easier (especially from mobile devices) Please bear with us while we fix any bugs and make any adjustments to make your favourite online Christian bookshop even better.
Use code: jeremiah3125
To receive 10% off all orders between now and 1st January 2024*
*Excludes Trade (Business) Orders
International Postage Updates
Following on from our earlier post about us still processing orders from the UK we have been consistently monitoring our international postage charges.
Since Brexit, carriers prices for exporting products from the UK have fluctuated dramatically, lovechristianbooks has tried to adapt to these fluctuations where possible.
We have now updated our Postage and Packaging charges for orders where the delivery address is outside of the United Kingdom. Sadly, this has meant that some of our previous charges have increased, however, we are now in a position to offer a fully tracked service for all international orders.
We are still sending orders outside the UK
Christmas products are now in stock at lovechristianbooks.com and with more on the way, we are sure to have everything you need to celebrate and remember the real meaning of Christmas.
Following our trials over the summer period we can confirm we will be continuing to utilise Parcel2Go to offer a better service.
lovechristianbooks.com is now using Parcel2Go, to offer better service and more information to our customers about their order...