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Parables in the Eye of the Storm

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Kregel Publications
Stanley A Ellisen

Comprising one-third of all His teachings, parables formed the primary means of Jesus' communication with the crowds. The Master Teacher carefully crafted these stories to confuse His opponents, confront the uncommitted, and coach His followers. As Stanley Ellisen observes, "The Lord delights to play 'hide and seek' with His truths - allowing us the joy of discovery."

Understanding Jesus' parables is key to grasping the core of His life-transforming message, and critical to our understanding of Christ's parables is their context of confrontation and opposition.

From this chronological study of Jesus' principal teaching tool, today's pastors and teachers will learn afresh the types, purposes, and meanings of the parables. While staying true to his motto - "Since Jesus was never boring, neither should we be" - Dr. Ellisen has covered virtually every parable and given equal attention to its setting, need, central truth, and wider application. An examination of various interpretive methods will clarify the way parables must be approached and applied for modern audiences.

The late Stanley A. Ellisen (M.Div. Th.M., Western Baptist Seminary; Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) was professor of Biblical Literature and former chairman of Biblical Studies at Western Baptist Seminary. He was also a pastor and the author of Biography of a Great Planet and Knowing God's Word.

I consider his work on the parabolic teaching of Christ to be the very finest available and the most true to the inerrancy and literal interpretation of Scripture ." - Earl D. Radmacher: President and professor of Systematic Theology Emeritus Western Seminary, Portland, Oregon

"[Dr. Ellisen's] work in the parables... served to 'raise the curtain' of clarity on these potentially difficult passages. This is a magnificent resource for anyone seeking to understand Christ's instruction in the parables." - Stu Weber: Good Shepherd Community Church

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