While the name, and work of Eliiah is familiar to most Christians, his successor, Elisha, is not so well known - probably because the more memorable events that we seem to remember are those that surrounded Elijah’s mission. The majority of Elijan’s miracles were performed in the context of death and destruction, whereas the miracles of Elisha were mainly to do with healing and restoration. It could therefore be reasonable to assume that Elijah was primarily a prophet of judgement, where Elisha was more a prophet of grace. This being the case, the story of Elisha’s life is very relevant to the times in which we live. Elisha prophesied in Israel during the ninth century BC as a shining light amid the darkness of idolatry and unbelief which prevailed at the time. We would therefore do well to follow his noble example as we seek to be witnesses for the Lord in the communities in which we live and work.
About the Author:
John Cheeseman has served in churches ail over she South-East of England, most recenty at Holy Trinity, Eastbourne. and now has an itinerant ministry of Bible teaching.He is also the author of 'Elijah: Man of Fire, Man of Faith'