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Christ Preeminent - A Commentary on Colossians

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Kregel Publications
Alden A. Gannett

In an age of fanatical cults, false teachers, and mindless consumerism, the theme of Colossians - the preeminence of Christ in our lives - remains as crucial in this century as it was in the first century.

Gannett focuses on the centrality of Christ - who He is, what He did for us on the cross, and how He wants to live in and through us - and the practical difference He makes in daily life. Gannett shows that Christians are not only saved by grace, they also live in grace. Jesus Christ wants to be more than our Savior - He wants to become our very life.

"This exposition is commended as a rich introduction to the truth of this important epistle." - John F. Walvoord, Chancellor, Dallas Theological Seminary

"The author writes in a warm style with practical application and enlightening illustrations." - Roy B. Zuck, Editor, Bibliotheca Sacra

"The ministry of Dr. Gannett is characterized by scriptural authority and refreshing application. this commentary on Colossians is no exception. it exalts the Lord Jesus." - Paul R. Van Gorder, Teacher Emeritus, Radio Bible Class

About Alden A Gannett:

ALDEN A. GANNETT is the former president of London Bible College Ontario, Canada; Associate Professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas; and past president of Southeastern Bible College in Birmingham, Alabama. Dr. Gannett speaks extensively at Bible conferences across the U.S. and is the featured speaker on the Words of Grace radio program.

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